Rabu Tordis

Info and Backstory

Name: Rabu Tordis
Race: Viera
Sex: Male
Age: Early twenties
Sexual Orientation: Gay
Occupation: Traveling Healer, Dancer, Fortune Teller, and artist
Virtues: Kind, Creative, Graceful, Cheerful, Protective, Fun loving, Adventurous, Introverted.Flaws: Reckless, Superstitious, Naive, Lover of Mischief, Gets distracted by male attention and shinny objects, Has an irrational fear of dogs.History: Rabu was born in the village of Valda, a peaceful Veena settlement in the snowy mountains of the Skatay Range. There they were raised to listen to the whispers of the green word and follow its law. The young child was happy to live as one with their sisters, until the fateful day when they reached puberty. Rabu was Male and with that came certain expectations within the tribe. According to the green word he was to become a solitary protector to the wood, to stay hidden and protect the veiran land from within the shadows of icy branches. Not wanting to go against his peoples ways, he went along with one of the males to start his training.The days were harsh and unforgiving especially for one so young and Rabu was certain he would be at deaths door before long. Though deep down he held on to hope he would one day leave the wood and wished on the stars every night for it to happen. In a cruel twist of Fate, Rabu's wish was granted when the Garlean empire invaded the wood, Rabu's guardian fought well but was overtaken by numbers and unknown tech. The soldiers took the guilt stricken Rabu into their custody and held him captive at a war camp until it was raided by a group of resistance fighters who were able to free him from what was sure to be a miserable life of servitude or torture.The young viera was given to a childless couple who happened to be in the area, one a scholarly Roegadyn Warrior woman and the other a spiritual Elezen woman with skills in Astrology magic. They were defectors from the Sharlayan Hinterland colony who choose to travel the world in search of knowledge instead of hiding away from the world. With no other options, the kind old couple became the new guardians to Rabu.Rabu’s new parents taught their new son the art of astrology and self defense through extensive study and practice. Rabu attuned to the constellations and earned his first star globe once he was back on his feet. In contrast to his time abysmal time struggling to learn archery, he was a natural at the celestial art and began building his self worth and strength. He wasn't quite as good at using the Axe and couldn't find the inner rage needed to become a full fledged warrior like his Roegadyn mother. His focus grew more into magic and the arts, than it ever was in martial prowess.With his new family, He traveled to Eorzea for the first time. There they eventually settled with the beast tribe of the whimsical Sylph who welcomed them to stay in their land. Rabu became very protective of the woods and the sylph, doing a similar job that he was fated to do under the green word but on his own terms. He was not bound to solitude and discovered a love of dance and song. A local man at the Hawthorn hut taught him how to play the harp so he could entertain the Sylphs and keep them happy.It had been a while since the whispers of the Green Word had grown silent, and Rabu had almost forgotten its voice but another one began calling to him instead. Tordis tried to ignore it at first but when it foretold misfortune it was usually right. He began following the voice to help others and it served him well, though it kept urging him farther away from his home in little solace. After saying his goodbyes, He now travels on his own making money busking, selling art and helping those he can.


Seer: Rabu hears strange voices and can some times see flashes of misfortune that may happen in the future. Your character might be the subject of this misfortune or you might be able to aid him in stopping something terrible form happening to someone else.Protector: Rabu is very protective of little Solace and the Sylph that live there. if you were to visit, Rabu might interrogate you to learn your intentions.Entertainer: He has a love of Dance and Music, if you share this passion then Rabu would likely warm up to you quickly.Artist Always wanting to capture beauty in its many forms he may ask to paint your portrait.Guidance: Perhaps Rabu could read your fortune if there is something you're uncertain about and need guidance on.


I've been rping for years through forums, I can rp in game or on Discord . Send me a message on discord if my profile interests you.My discord: Rabu#0248
Time zone: EST
Data center: Crystal (Mateus)